The website should have a good domain authority. What is Guest posting in SEO? (+ Guest Blogging in SEO tips)


As you’ll discover below, you can reap many benefits when making guest posting part of your digital marketing SEO strategy, including increased website backlinks, better topical and domain authority, more

Is guest posting safe in SEO?

It is best to have an article on a relevant website for SEO purposes as well as to get targeted traffic from customers interested in your business.

Make sure your article is readable. Again, you want people to click on your links in the post to explore more of your content. to your website. Anchor text key word stuffing can look spam my and get your we

penalized by Google. A good rule of thumb is to use natural anchor text optimization guide.

Also, aim to have a post on a site that gets at least 1,000 monthly visitors.

How do guest posts help in SEO?

Guest posts help with SEO by providing backlinks to your website and exposing your content to a new audience to generate more organic traffic and additional links from other website owners. Overall, rankings and brand awareness. According to authority hacker’s link building survey, 64.9% of link builders and blog owners use it as their go-to strategy for off-page SEO by publishing high-quality content on other popular website, you can increase your brand’s visibility, build relationships with other webmasters, and generate traffic back to your site.

Quality the guest blogging sites


Before submitting a guest post idea, it’s important to make sure the site is reputable and has high-quality content.



  • A website shouldn’t be built just for guest post submissions. If every published article has obvious outbound links to random sites, it’s probably just made to sell links and should be avoided.


Guest posting in SEO summary

I hope you enjoyed this guide answering the question what is guest posting in SEO?
As you discovered, guest blogging in SEO can be an important part of your digital marketing strategy as it increase exposure, authority and backlinks for your website.


Refine your guest blogging strategy

After tracking your results, you’ll want to use this data to improve your guest blogging SEO strategy for future opportunities.

. Or maybe the quality of leads coming to your site are not as good as you’re expected. Or hope fully. Based on this in formation, you can adjust how you approach your next guest blogging opportunity. Each new article you write should be a little better at achieving your goals.


Create backlinks for the guest post

If your time or budget allows, you should create backlinks on the guest post page.

Performing this step can help increase the Page Rank of the article which can then improve the link equity transferred to your website through contextual links. Check out this other guide on how to get backlinks without guest posting to learn how to get high quality links to your articles using other link building strategy